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Platt's Lane Estates
Logo: Western University Canada
Maintenance & Repairs

Western employs caretakers and mechanics to maintain our buildings on a regular basis. If something requires repair, tenants can easily report it to the on-site rental offices.

Skilled trades people are on-call to respond to emergency maintenance issues outside of regular business.

Waste Management

Garbage and recycling programs are conveniently located in all buildings.

Reports of Pests

Western Housing takes reports of any potential insect infestation seriously. We encourage tenants to report any problems immediately to prevent them from getting worse.

Rental Application

Western University is becoming smoke free!
Effective July 1, 2018 smoking will only be permitted in six designated smoking areas on campus. In July 2019 the campus will become completely smoke free. This will include Platt's Lane Estates.

Townhouses & Apartments
Link: Interior Photos & Layouts. Check it out!
Link: Virtual Tour of an Apartment. Check it out!
University Apartments
The University Apartments are focused on providing accommodations to upper year single students, while Platt's Lane Estates provides accommodations for students with families.
Check out our University Apartments website